A reusable cassette loading 35mm film in Instamatic 126 cameras: with FAKMATIC it’s possible. FAKMATIC is a reusable cassette that replaces 126 film cartridges which are almost impossible to find, often undevelopable, and always expensive.
RECOMMENDATIONS: The Instamatic cameras have a large transparent window at the back to check the film type, speed, and frame number printed on the 126 film. Cover that window with black tape or paper to prevent light from entering the camera.
CHECK THE SPOOL’s SPACING: in rare occasions the cassette’s spool sits loose in the camera’s cartridge slot. If this is your case, you’ll need that little round plastic washer that’s included in the kit: put it under the FAKMATIC cartridge right below the spool (don’t put it inside the cassette). With this additional padding the film advance crank will firmly engage with the spool.